RFQ solution by THESENA significant part of our consulting activities is based on our high-performing contact and supplier network, grown organically in projects over a successful period of more than 30 years. These networks enable us to evaluate potential procurement markets on a regional, national or international level in the shortest time possible. Over the years, this has helped us gather benchmark data in practically every material field that we may encounter. Over the years, this has helped us gather benchmark data in practically every material field that we may encounter.
This profound knowledge has been systematized in our e-sourcing and supplier communication platform E.VENT.US. Whether it is supplier data, certificates, machine parks or RFQs – every piece of supplier-related information is concentrated in E.VENT.US and can be shared with both our clients and suppliers.
YOUR BENEFITE.VENT.US enables us to provide our clients with access to our specific market know-how and a maximum of process transparency in the project. These aspects are instrumental in serving our clients at the highest possible standard at all times. The solution for you is always tailor-made. The path to get there is systematic, reliable and reproduceable in every single one of our projects.
YOUR BENEFITE.VENT.US enables our suppliers to precisely access the projects and RFQs corresponding to their products, services and machine park. This ensures an efficient use of capacities on relevant projects only. Additionally, the RFQ process is system-driven, which guarantees a smooth and effortless RFQ process for the suppliers.
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and our methods to you in a personal conversation.