for THESENVilleroy & Boch AG
„Als strategische Einkaufsabteilung einer innovativen Premium-Marke müssen wir uns täglich vielen verschiedenen Herausforderungen stellen um dem Anspruch unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden und auch nach 275 Jahren Unternehmensgeschichte relevant und wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Die Thesen AG hat uns dabei unterstützt nachhaltig wirksame Kostensenkungspotenziale im Rahmen unserer Category Strategien zu identifizieren und umzusetzen. Dabei hat das Team der Thesen AG auch in der Breite über viele Warengruppen fundierte Marktkenntnisse bewiesen und sich stets zielorientiert in unsere Teams integriert.
Im Ergebnis konnten wir die angestrebten nachhaltigen Kostensenkungen erzielen und durch die Unterstützung der Thesen AG gewonnenen zusätzlichen Ressourcen weitere Projekte angehen.“
ppa. Alexander Schreiber
Senior Director Corporate Purchasing
Villeroy & Boch AGVilleroy & Boch ist eine der weltweit führenden Premium-Marken für keramische Produkte. Das im Jahr 1748 gegründete Familienunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Mettlach/Deutschland steht für Innovation, Tradition und Stilsicherheit. Als renommierte Lifestyle-Marke ist Villeroy & Boch mit Produkten der Bereiche Bad & Wellness sowie Dining & Lifestyle in 125 Ländern vertreten.
Murrelektronik GmbH
„In der Welt der Automatisierung bleibt kein Stein auf dem anderen. So ziemlich alles steht auf dem Prüfstand. Und die Ziele stehen fest: Digitale Planung, einfachere und schnellere Installation und Inbetriebnahme, Kosteneffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit.
In dem mit THESEN AG gemeinsam durchgeführten Beratungsprojekt haben wir den gleichen Anspruch verfolgt, alles auf den Prüfstand! Prozesse, Werkzeuge, Methoden, Einkaufsinitiativen. Dabei war es THESEN immer ein besonderes Anliegen einen neutralen und unabhängigen Marktüberblick zu geben, verbunden mit einer Handlungsempfehlung der wir uns regelmäßig angeschlossen haben.
Das breite Knowhow der eingesetzten Berater, die hohe Transparenz und das zielorientierte Vorgehen hinterlassen bei uns einen sehr positiven Eindruck und resultierten in signifikanten, messbaren Optimierungspotentialen. Insbesondere, jedoch nicht ausschließlich, im Umfeld der Organisationsentwicklung hat sich THESEN auf Augenhöhe mit den Anforderungen der Zeit bewiesen und trägt so erheblich zum zukünftigen Erfolg dezentraler Automatisierungstechnik bei.“
i.V. Arne Ben Kaufmann – Director Global Procurement
Murrelektronik GmbHBombardier Transportation GmbH
Siegen-based BOMBARDIER Transportation GmbH focuses on developing and producing bogies for trains. Over 200,000 bogies are successfully in operation worldwide, and BOMBARDIER’s are known globally for their quality, innovation and performance. The environment at BOMBARDIER’s purchases department is characterised by top safety-related standards for material, quality and suppliers, and involves upholding special rail permit rules and legal regulations issued by the Federal Railway Authority. This was the environment in which THESEN AG advised us. In order to successfully reduce product costs while retaining top quality, purchasers, developers and production staff all need to work together. THESEN AG masters its craft perfectly, and involves staff in the project. Its extensive knowledge of the relevant procurement market provided important stimulation and significant potential for saving. We particularly valued the THESEN team’s flexibility when taking into account supplier-specific factors, as emphasis was placed not just on short-term savings, but also on a solid supplier relationship for the mid-term. Valuable results were achieved, in compliance with BOMBARDIER’s specific quality specifications. We found THESEN AG to be a strong, competent project partner, and the co-operation was characterised by the staff’s long-time experience, the clear knowledge of the procurement market, and the high degree of professionalism and methodological competence. We would gladly recommend THESEN AG’s consulting services.
The extensive knowledge of the relevant procurement market provided important impulses and significant savings potential. We particularly appreciated the flexibility of the THESEN team when it came to taking supplier-specific features into account. This is particularly because value was placed not only on short-term savings, but also on a stable supplier relationship in the medium term. Valuable results have been shown while maintaining the BOMBARDIER-specific quality specifications. We have come to appreciate THESEN AG as a strong and competent project partner. The many years of experience of the employees, the extensive knowledge of the procurement market, the high level of professionalism and methodological competence characterize the cooperation.
We would like to recommend the consulting services of THESEN AG.Walter Wittenborn – Head of Procurement,
Quality & HSE / BOMBARDIER Transportation GmbH
With 64 production and technical facilities in 26 countries, and 19 service centres all over the world, Bombardier Transportation is a global leader in railway technology. We cover the entire range of rail transport solutions, from full trains, to subsystems, maintenance services and system integration, to signal technology.
Schunk Group
The THESEN AG was given the assignment to accompany the cross-company and cross-border introduction of lead buying. The technical, methodological and implementational know-how of the THESEN AG helped us to structure the project, to master the up-coming challenges and to guarantee a pragmatic implementation. In times of limited in-house resources the THESEN AG supported us by providing staff of their own. Further the consulting experts knew how to accelerate the project continuously – even in difficult stages; thus we could realize the further objectives in addition to significant savings. We will gladly ask the THESEN AG in the case of further procurement optimizations, and we will gladly recommend your services to others.
Stefan Heun / Head of Finance - Schunk Group
The Schunk Group is an an international technology group employing more than 8,000 people in 29 countries. The company offers a wide range of products and services in the areas of carbon technology and ceramics, environment simulation and air conditioning technology, sintered metal and ultrasonic metal welding.
The Weiss Group develops and produces devices and systems to simulate environmental conditions which must meet the highest industrial and scientific standards, and withstand immense loads and strains. Our customers frequently test their materials to the limits of their capacity. In 2014, to ensure competitiveness and compensate for general cost increases, the Weiss Group’s purchases department started up a cost-reduction project, defined by a fixed cost-reduction quota. To do this, the Weiss Group hired THESEN AG to provide consulting and support services.
Even during the tendering phase, it was clear to us that there was a huge variation between purchase consultants. It was important for us to find a consultant with a high level of technical expertise, who properly understood our processes and suppliers, who shared and fulfilled our cost-reduction goal, who responsibly assisted with and operationally supported the implementation of results, and who set their fees on a pure performance basis. It was also important that the consultant be able to incorporate synergies from other purchase projects.
Having completed the cost-reduction project with THESEN, we can say that THESEN AG met our expectations in virtually every respect.
THESEN was our partner every step of the way in our structured preparation and execution of the cost-reduction project. The individual project stages were attended to in a highly concentrated, systematic and efficient manner, allowing the entire project to be completed successfully. The team at THESEN AG was able to find solutions to the challenging problems with great skill, patience and regard for the human factor in dealings with our suppliers and purchases staff.
The THESEN methods and strategies were always clearly and precisely formulated, well co-ordinated, and accurately applied. The operational and strategic consulting and support, coupled with the incorporation of synergies by an objective and neutral partner, were particularly crucial to us. And our expectations were once again met in this respect.
The best testimonial for a consultant is to be awarded another contract. And THESEN AG has been hired to perform a group-wide purchases project by the Weiss Group’s holding company (Schunk Holding).
We can and will gladly recommend THESEN AG’s services, and wish the entire THESEN team all the best for the future.
Dr. Jürgen Jakoby - Managing Director,
ppa. Reiner Sauter - Head of Purchases - Weiss Group
Rhön Klinikum
The extensive expertise of the THESEN AG consultants and the results-oriented co-operation enabled us to smoothly implement and further develop the new Rhön-Klinikum AG plan. Although the initial situation was quite complex, THESEN was able to gain a foothold and cleanly set up the cost-reduction project. Right from the outset, the THESEN AG consultants were strong sparring partners who knew when to ask the right questions. The co-operation was one of great transparency, a clear focus on goals, and effectiveness. The results-oriented free model is based on THESEN AG assuming a high level of corporate responsibility. THESEN AG considerably helped us increase our savings potentials, which are often only seen from an external perspective. THESEN AG stands for pragmatic approaches, accompanied by a high level of methodological competence, a focus on implementing a jointly defined strategy, and precise communication in comprehensible terms – exactly what we expect but very rarely find from consultants. We would gladly recommend THESEN AG as a consultant.
Jens-Peter Neumann / CFO / Deputy Chairman of the Board
Established in 1973 with 66 staff, our company is today one of the largest health providers in Germany. We stand for integrated care geared completely around the patient – at every single facility, just like in interactions between facilities and sectors.
In connection with a long-term cost-reducing project and after a sophisticated and detailed selection process, AXA very consciously decided in favor of the support by THESEN AG. Apart from results-effective savings, we were also interested in an external view on our procurement processes and organization, in particular in combination with the different departments and affiliated companies.
Überzeugt haben uns die branchenübergreifenden Erfahrungen, das routinierte Team und insbesondere die vom ersten Tag an sehr klare, ausgewogene und lösungsorientierte Kommunikations- und Arbeitsweise. Während andere Anbieter mit teilweise erstaunlich hohen Einsparungserfolgen für sich warben, hat THESEN AG mit uns in einem differenzierten und fundierten Prozess erarbeitet, welche Potentiale in welchen Warengruppen unter welchen Bedingungen realistisch sind. Wir haben nicht den Anbieter gewählt, der uns die größten Einsparungen versprochen hat. Vielmehr haben wir mit THESEN AG den Anbieter gewählt, der unter Beachtung unseres spezifischen Umfelds und unserer Kultur die höchsten wirklich realisierbaren (!) Einsparungen erbringen kann. So waren uns ein integratives Vorgehen mit dem Einkaufsteam und allen Fachbereichen sowie eine weiterhin konstruktive Zusammenarbeit mit unseren externen Partnern sehr wichtig. Geholfen hat uns dabei, dass wir die Expertise von THESEN AG in einer sehr großen Bandbreite nutzen konnten – vom reinen Impulsgeber für unsere Einkäufer bis hin zum eigenständigen Verhandeln mit externen Partnern. Bemerkenswert ist, dass das ganze Team von THESEN AG auch in schwierigen Situationen niemals aufgegeben hat, sondern in einer bewundernswerten Ausdauer und Energie mit uns an machbaren Lösungen gearbeitet hat: Immer fragend, niemals wertend. Immer routiniert, niemals arrogant. Immer treibend, niemals realitätsfremd. Immer klar, niemals unfreundlich. Immer sachlich, niemals unemphatisch.
Das Projekt hat zählbare Einsparungserfolge für AXA gebracht, die ohne die Kenntnis der Besonderheiten unserer Branche und unserer besonders kritischen Warengruppen (insbesondere IT) seitens THESEN AG nicht möglich gewesen wären. Daneben haben wir viele wertvolle Ideen und Perspektiven für die weitere Bearbeitung unserer Warengruppen und Einkaufsprozesse erhalten. Unser guter erster Eindruck von THESEN AG hat den Realitätscheck bestanden.Dr. Thomas Germer / Chief Procurement Officer
Having an income from contributions amounting to 10.7 billion Euros (2016) the AXA Group is among the biggest primary insurance companies in Germany. The AXA Deutschland is part of the AXA Group, one of the leading insurance companies and asset managers around the world, having its key activities in Europa, North-America and in Pacific Asia.
R+S Solutions Holding AG
Believing we were already in a very good position, we were initially rather sceptical. However, through our daily dealings with the THESEN AG consultants, it soon became apparent that there was potential for optimisation, and we definitely had the right partner to fulfil this.
THESEN AG is a strong and competent sparring partner in the area of purchases, with long-time experience and distinct industry knowledge. The consultants’ work is characterised by a high degree of professionalism, methodological skill, clear measurability and human co-operation. And now that the project is complete, we are confident we have found the perfect partner for future projects in THESEN AG.Thorsten Hudel / Head of Purchases - R+S Solutions Holding AG
Heute bauen, für morgen planen, die Trends von übermorgen erkennen: Die R+S Gruppe denkt und arbeitet zukunftsorientiert. Ingenieurleistungen und handwerkliches Können werden so umgesetzt, dass der Auftraggeber optimale Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit für seine Projekte erhält. Elektrotechnik – das bedeutet für Sie: Elektro-, Stark- und Schwachstrom – “Alles aus einer Hand”!
DEPOT - Gries Deco Company
Gries Deco Company GmbH, based in Niedernberg near Aschaffenburg, successfully runs some 400 home-accessory and decoration retail outlets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland under the DEPOT brand. THESEN AG advised and supported us professionally and competently when it came to restructuring our procurement setup in the purchases division for non-tradable goods and services. Our long-time partnership with both Mr Thesen himself and his team has been extremely profitable, and is characterised by a high level of trust. I was initially very sceptical of the fee model, but the consistently positive results speak for themselves. The partnership has enabled us to significantly reduce procurement costs in key areas of facility management, e.g. electricity, telecommunications and packaging materials. I would gladly recommend THESEN AG’s consulting services, and am happy to provide further information as a reference customer.
Matthias Schob, MBA, CFO, Managing Director
Was vor über 60 Jahren ganz beschaulich als “Oskar Gries Fabrikation von künstlichen Früchten und Christbaumschmuck” begann, hat den Sprung in die Moderne vorbildlich gemeistert. Heute ist die Gries Deco Company GmbH ein Unternehmen, das mit mehr als 6.600 Mitarbeitern, in drei Ländern (D, AT, CH) rund 408 Millionen Euro jährlich umsetzt.
Dometic Seitz GmbH
After an intense selection procedure we chose the THESEN AG both for strategic and operative reasons.
Thus for 19 months we have been working together successfully – on a very constructive and professional basis. This impression is confirmed by the monthly reviews.
Michael Tregner, CEO
KIRCHHOFF Automotive Deutschland GmbH
"The professionalism of the consultants, the transparent preparation of facts/figures/data, and the pleasant co-operation were confirmation that we had hired a suitable partner"
Klaus Lawory, Group Purchasing Director, KIRCHHOFF Automotive Deutschland GmbH
KIRCHHOFF Automotive is one of the leading providers of metal structures for the automotive industry. The historic and innovative family business stands for short processes, fast decisions and extensive experience in its core competencies. Personal interaction and the fascination of being able to move and change things is what connects us all.
Braas Monier Building Group Services GmbH
“THESEN AG supported the Braas Monier Building Group in purchasing as part of our extensive restructuring programme. We particularly appreciated the fact that THESEN was able to apply expertise to areas for which we were unable to raise the resources or did not have specialists within the team. THESEN’s experienced purchase experts used their specific market knowledge to identify new potential and effectively promote its fulfilment. In doing so, THESEN strengthened our team’s resolve during times of staff cuts, and helped us implement more results faster, and achieve our challenging goals through the restructuring.”
Ullrich Weirauch - VP Purchasing
Braas Monier Building Group Services GmbHThe Braas Monier Building Group is a leading manufacturer and provider of construction materials for pitched roofs and roofing system components in Europe, some Asian markets, and South Africa. We have been manufacturing products for pitched roofs for almost a century, and our expertise, which we have consistently developed over this period, covers all stages of the production process.
I make no secret of my initial scepticism of THESEN AG’s success-oriented business/fee model – these sorts of models can very quickly turn out to be shams, and put pressure on supplier relationships. But my experience in several projects with THESEN over 14 years has proven that their analyses and tendering processes are thorough and highly accurate, and dealings with suppliers were always appropriate and in keeping with our business understanding. I always found results to be implemented smoothly and in a goal-oriented manner. Interactions between purchase department staff, our suppliers and THESEN’s specialists were solution-focused and co-operative. THESEN AG’s consultants proved to be purchasing pros, who were able to gain an optimum understanding of all kinds of problems, and cater to specific needs. The high level of item-group expertise and in-depth supplier and market knowledge enable significant savings to be achieved in a short space of time. Our dealings with THESEN AG could hardly get any better. Over many years, I have found THESEN to be a consistently competent, effective partner with excellent judgement and experience.
Jens Belzer – Head of Strategic Purchases, ABC Group
For ABC, tradition is synonymous with progress. Its company history goes back 190 years. It was founded as ABC Holding, with the subsidiaries ABC Verbindungstechnik, ABC Umformtechnik, ABC Ausrüstung and Zubehör. By virtue of the SPAX brand, ABC has the only screw brand to have gained recognition worldwide.
Die DALLMER GmbH entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Duschrinnen, Ablaufsysteme für bodengleiche Duschen sowie Entwässerungsprodukte vom Dach bis zum Keller. Ablaufsysteme von DALLMER zeichnen sich in besonderer Weise durch die gelungene Verbindung von Design, Funktion und hochwertigsten Materialien aus. Für Letzteres haben wir mit der THESEN AG ein Einsparprojekt im Bereich Einkauf durchgeführt.
Das Projektteam der THESEN AG hat sehr engagiert und eng mit unseren Einkaufsmitarbeitern zusammengearbeitet, die Zusammenarbeit war sehr kollegial und unkapriziös. Nach kurzer Abstimmung wurden alle Aktivitäten mit unseren Lieferanten durch die THESEN AG durchgeführt. Unser operatives Geschäft wurde durch das Projekt zeitlich nicht belastet. Alle Gespräche mit Lieferanten liefen sehr professionell und seriös. Fast alle Lieferanten wurden beibehalten, was in der besonderen Beziehung zu unseren Lieferanten ein wichtiger Punkt war.
Gleichzeitig ist es gelungen neue Schlüssellieferanten zu identifizieren und zu qualifizieren. Im ersten Jahr konnten wir ein signifikantes und erfreuliches Einsparvolumen Bereich erzielen. Im zweiten Jahr konnte das Einsparvolumen weiter gesteigert werden.
The THESEN methods and strategies were always clearly and precisely formulated, well co-ordinated, and accurately applied. The operational and strategic consulting and support, coupled with the incorporation of synergies by an objective and neutral partner, were particularly crucial to us. And our expectations were once again met in this respect.
Die THESEN AG beherrscht ihr Handwerk! Wir sind mit der Zusammenarbeit und dem Ergebnis der THESEN AG sehr zufrieden.Dipl. Ing. Harry Bauermeister – Geschäftsführer
Die DALLMER GmbH entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Duschrinnen, Ablaufsysteme für bodengleiche Duschen sowie Entwässerungsprodukte vom Dach bis zum Keller. Ablaufsysteme von DALLMER zeichnen sich in besonderer Weise durch die gelungene Verbindung von Design, Funktion und hochwertigsten Materialien aus. Für Letzteres haben wir mit der THESEN AG ein Einsparprojekt im Bereich Einkauf durchgeführt.
Vom Handwerksbetrieb zur Architektenmarke: So könnte man die Entwicklung unseres Unternehmens kurz und bündig beschreiben. Allerdings hat sich dieser Trend in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten besonders stark beschleunigt hat. In den Jahren zuvor – Dallmer wurde ja schon 1913 als Gravieranstalt gegründet – fielen Dallmer Produkte, so innovativ sie auch sein mochten, schlicht und einfach in die Kategorie “Installationsmaterial”.
Das hat sich geändert. Was heute zählt ist nicht mehr die reine Funktionalität unter Ausschluss jeglicher schöner Form. Aus dem “Bad zum Waschen” ist ein Raum für umfassende Körperkultur geworden. Mit zunehmender Individualisierung und einem wachsenden Bedürfnis nach Selbstverwirklichung, aber auch durch erhöhten Wohlstand begründet, haben Menschen begonnen, ihre Lebensräume wertvoller zu gestalten. Damit eröffnen sich für uns vielfältige Chancen, neue und schönere Lösungen für die Ableitung von Wasser in Gebäuden zu entwickeln.
Das Dallmer Credo lautet: Perfekte Produkte entstehen aus einem Zusammenspiel von hervorragender Funktion, hoher Materialqualität und guter Gestaltung. Dass lange und intensiv daran gearbeitet wurde, sieht man oft schon auf den ersten Blick. Und das ist der Unterschied.
MKN - Maschinenfabrik Kurt Neubauer GmbH & Co. KG
Partnership between MKN and THESEN AG
We can gladly confirm that MKN has been successfully co-operating with THESEN AG as its purchase consulting partner since 2009. During this time, new procurement sources and partners have been systematically sought and found as part of value analysis projects. The strategic purchase support activities are not just limited to the national procurement market, but rather extend to an international level. We thank THESEN AG for the successful, goal-oriented co-operation.MKN Maschinenfabrik Kurt Neubauer GmbH & CO. KG - Winfried Pink
The MKN success story began in 1946 in the Lower Saxon town of Wolfenbüttel, when engineer Kurt Neubauer founded Maschinenfabrik with just three staff. MKN specialised in professional cooking technology. The quality products soon made a name for themselves, and have been used worldwide to equip canteen and industrial kitchens.
HEYCO-WERK Heynen GmbH & Co KG
"I have been successfully working with Mr Thesen on various projects for 14 years. Apart from the fact that there has never been a project not completed to our satisfaction, I value the consistently open and constructive communication during the project.”
Markus Heynen – Industrial engineer – Managing Director
The Heyco Group has been reliably offering high-quality fastening solutions since 1900, and can look back on more than a century of expertise. With some 350 staff, the company manufactures a wide range of products, which are sold worldwide through its nine branches.
XL Insurance Company Limited
The consultants from THESEN AG not only identified potential savings for us down to the last Euro – we were also able to see these at the end of the project. They systematically worked with our purchase department staff to implement these savings. The sound dealings with suppliers while simultaneously facilitating long-term process and cost reduction attest to THESEN AG’s excellent approach. Ensuring long-term savings was the focus, and we can confirm these are still being achieved even today. A sophisticated business idea by THESEN AG, competent consultants, and a successful project. We would absolutely recommend any interested company to work with THESEN AG, and will be glad to provide a personal reference. We wish THESEN AG continued success with their future projects.
Michael Harth / Country Manager Germany Insurance
The XL Group plc is a finance and insurance company based in Dublin, Ireland. The company is among the world’s top ten biggest reinsurers, and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It has offices in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The company was founded in 1986 under the trade name of EXEL Limited, based in the Cayman Islands.
LOOSER Holding
Seit nunmehr 17 Jahren habe ich, als Einkaufsleiter und Director Strategic Purchasing bei DORMA, in verschiedenen Projekten das Haus “THESEN” als Einkaufsberater kennen lernen dürfen.
The THESEN advisors have always proven themselves to be experts, delivered fast results, and put these into practice as part of numerous optimisation projects involving a high level of complexity in terms of item groups.
I value the consistently high consulting quality, the consultants’ creativity, and the hands-on approach to implementation at the purchases department and the supplier’s end.
Less PowerPoint, lots of Excel and good results which were clearly visible in the business administration - THESEN is the perfect partner. I will definitely contact them for assistance again in future if required.Jürgen Obergfell - Vice President Strategic Supply Chain Management
Looser Holding AG is an international industrial holding company based in Arbon, Switzerland. The corporate group is active in the coating, tempering, industrial services and doors sectors. Around 2,200 staff work for the group at 20 operational companies in Europe, Asia and the USA. Looser Holding AG’s registered shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
KERNER Maschinenbau GmbH
Kerner Maschinenbau GmbH develops, produces and sells agricultural machinery for soil tillage and seed sowing. It carried out a savings project with THESEN AG in its purchases division. The THESEN AG project team co-operative with our purchase department staff in a very collegial but also very dedicated manner. After a brief discussion, all activities were performed by THESEN AG using our suppliers, without affecting our operational business schedules in any way. All talks with suppliers were extremely professional and respectable. Almost all our suppliers were retained. During the first year, we achieved a significant and pleasing six-figure saving, and this was further increased in the second year. The planned savings were reached. To consolidate this over the long term, we underwent sustainable optimisation and improvement processes in addition to the commercial effects. We are very pleased with the co-operation and results achieved with THESEN AG.
Elmar Wimmers, Management - Kerner Maschinenbau GmbH
KERNER was established in 1990. As a family-run business, it has grown to a considerable size, currently employing around 60 staff. As a young, innovative company, we develop and produce equipment for soil tillage and seed sowing.
Alfred Kuhse GmbH
As part of a procurement optimisation scheme at Alfred Kuhse GmbH, THESEN AG carried out a project to reduce procurement costs and optimise processes in 2013. With your help, we were able to achieve significant savings both in procuring both goods and services. Certain purchasing processes were also optimised. We particularly appreciated your team’s flexibility when taking into account supplier-specific factors, especially as emphasis was not only placed on short-term savings, but also on a solid customer/supplier relationship for the mid-term.
Many thanks for the co-operation and we wish you continued success for the future.Dr Burghard Herrmann - Management - Alfred Kuhse GmbH
Alfred Kuhse GmbH was founded in 1928 as a repairs workshop for electric motors. In 1938, it began producing dashboards, and in 1948 it started developing and producing electromagnets. The needs of our customers, absolute product reliability, personal and system safety and flexibility are our main focuses at all times.
Carl Steinmann GmbH
"Mr Thesen’s consulting has enabled us to place various projects on the market at lower cost despite increased requirements in recent years. The consultants also always focused on finding the optimum technical solution for us – not the cheapest. From establishing requirements, to analysing tender invitations, negotiating and formulating contracts, we felt we were in the best hands. The project went off without a hitch – thanks to the active support and service.”
Markus Heynen – Industrial engineer
Managing director
Carl Steinmann GmbHBy successfully taking over Carl Steinmann Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH in 1980, HEYCO marked the start of its plans to extend business activities to include manufacturing plastic parts, which soon led to creation of the additional Technical Plastic Products division.
Mesterheide GmbH
“By working with THESEN AG, we found that existing supplier relations could be handled very sensitively and business relationships protected without losing sight of the overall aim – to reduce costs. In addition to the major issue of cost saving, the process and a coherent overall concept were also taken into account, allowing excellent results to be achieved for every project. Your competence in the area of procurement is impressive, and we can completely recommend your services. We wish the THESEN team all the best, and will gladly contact you again for upcoming projects.”
Lars Mesterheide – Managing partner
Mesterheide GmbH - Insurance Brokers & Risk Managers
Mesterheide, Rockel & Co. GmbH is a specialised insurance brokerage company. We devise and implement conceptual solutions in terms of designing, implementing and managing company and private pension funds. Our 15 specialists will be glad to assist you.
Bistum Limburg
“The department of finance, administration and construction in the properties and central services division at the diocese of Limburg’s Episcopal Administration in is responsible for purchases and procurement, among other things. We initially hired THESEN AG to optimise our purchases department for the Episcopal Ordinariate and all diocesan institutions. The project involved optimising and saving costs for office supplies and equipment, food purchases for our conference facilities, cleaning materials, and candles. THESEN AG’s focus was to collect data within our own organisation and from suppliers in order to compile tendering documents.
In addition to generating transparency and structuring requests, it also concentrated on optimising processes to ensure identified savings could be implemented and tracked. In most groups, this enabled costs to be reduced by a double-digit percentage. After this project was completed, we started another project with THESEN AG to pool power costs in the church communities, with over 2,000 consumption points, and sustainably reduce the power costs by concluding multi-year gas and electricity contracts with a small number of providers. We found THESEN AG to be a flexible, customer-oriented company with excellent technical expertise, and which is able to identify potentials for conflict and optimisation during the processes, and professionally ensure long-term solutions and cost reduction. We were always very pleased with THESEN AG’s services and the results achieved.”Gordon Sobbeck – Head of Finance – Limburg Episcopal Ordinariate
Department of Finance, Administration and ConstructionThe diocese of Limburg is a Roman Catholic diocese in the ecclesiastical province of Cologne. It covers parts of the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. Its cathedral church is St George’s in Limburg an der Lahn. diocese of Limburg is split into 11 districts, each of which is led by a priest. They all have varying numbers of pastoral areas.
Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH
"… Thanks to the regular support of THESEN AG, we have excellently managed to improve and maintain our competitiveness over the long term!”
Jochen Früh – Managing Director
Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbHMannheim-based Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH and Thermamax Inc., with head office in Aurora, Illinois, are globally recognised specialists in designing and producing thermal and acoustic insulation systems for engine compartments and exhaust gas systems in small and large diesel, Otto, fuel cell and electric drives.
Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Hannovers
… I would like to thank you for the successful purchase consulting provided by THESEN AG. It resulted in a clear, long-term reduction in the district church office’s procurement costs. Considerable savings were particularly achieved in office material purchases. The co-operation with THESEN AG was always effective and pleasant.
Peter Michaelis, Church administrative director, Hannover District Lutheran Church
The Hannover District Lutheran Church is one of 20 Protestant district churches in Germany. As with all district churches, it is a corporation under public law. It is based in Hannover. The church has approx. 2.7 million parishioners in 1,403 church, chapel and institutional communities, making it the largest district church in Germany.
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