by THESENSupply chains become more and more complex. Companies that want to be successful in the long-term need a good risk management.
by THESENSupply chains become more and more complex. Companies that want to be successful in the long-term need a good risk management.
Supply chains, purchase and procurement processes that are becoming even more complex are susceptible to break-downs and defects. Depending on the extent, this may result in high costs. From experience, the factors with an impact on Purchasing and the supply chain of companies are manifold and have intensified over the last years. That’s why an efficient risk management is a must.
Purchase and procurement processes are characterized by a multitude of business partners and customers involved at national, international or global level and who often have to coordinate themselves across borders. In doing so, political, linguistic, cultural and legal impacts play an important role.
Further, it becomes more and more difficult for companies to reliably plan and implement their purchase budgeting and calculation due to (global market) prices that are partially fluctuating heavily. In addition, unforeseeable supply difficulties have an impact on the companies, triggered by:
- Shortage of raw materials
- Strikes
- Upheavals
- Extreme weather events
- Disease outbreaks
- Currency fluctuations
Reliability in an era of growing complexity
However, even companies that are working in a process-oriented instead of a function-oriented manner will produce losses in the process flow between function holders of the company departments Purchasing, Logistics, Development, Construction, Production and Sales.
These defects and weaknesses will reduce the purchase performance considerably and will have a negative impact on
- Supply reliability
- Adherence to schedules
- Quantity reliability
- Quality commitments
- Price reliability
- Customer interface
- Response capacity
The THESEN Risk Management will support you in identifying and eliminating these weaknesses and in reducing their impact on the supply chain risks. This requires a full analysis of the complete supply chain down to its basic elements in order to make fully visible the company-specific SCM structure. It is possible to examine and evaluate any relevant negative factors with regard to their negative impact.
Once the risk is identified, the companies are able to take countermeasures. At this stage, we assist our clients very intensely and ensure a sustainable minimization of the supply chain risks measured and monitored by means of the THESEN Supply Chain Risk Scoring.
Purchase Optimization
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