Process optimization in Purchasing
& Supply Chain ManagementA tailor-made purchase organization will bring along success in the long run. THESEN will develop the suitable strategy.
Process optimization in Purchasing
& Supply Chain ManagementEine passgenaue Einkaufsorganisation bringt langfristigen Erfolg. Die THESEN AG erarbeitet die passende Strategie. Jetzt beraten lassen!
The goal of process optimization in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management is to increase the process performance and to reduce the process costs. Many companies have a considerable potential for a significant improvement of their performance in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management. Cost reducing, a higher efficiency and improved quality will follow.
Goals of a successful process optimization:
- To realize processes in a facilitated and faster manner
- To digitize and automate tool-supported processes as far as possible
- To reduce process costs sustainably
- To organize Purchasing with regard to strategy and value creation
- To involve Purchasing in all procurement processes at an early stage
- To optimize the cooperation with the consumers, interface management
- To increase the overall performance (KPIs)
- To identify, minimize and avoid supply risks
The performance of your organization largely depends on processes. These processes structure the interaction between all relevant company divisions and the interaction between the individual employees within Purchasing and the Supply Chain Management organization. The process organization and the structural organization are essential for a successful Purchasing.
If the processes of the process and structural organization are not correctly followed and complied with, performance defects will soon arise in increasingly complex procurement processes. Only by complying with the rules, Purchasing and the SCM organization can develop their full performance.
Process Optimization
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