Sectors by THESENThe relevant experience of THESEN in the automotive sector is the basis for an increase in value.
Sectors by THESENThe relevant experience of THESEN in the automotive sector is the basis for an increase in value.
If you want to significantly increase the value of a participation, you will choose the approach of reducing costs, increasing growth and ensuring revenues. Especially in purchasing, it is easily possible to find the efficient levers for an increase in the portfolio value; and it is possible to realize a very high increase in value within very short time.
Purchase-relevant value-increasing levers with regard to private equity are:
- Revenue growth by cost-reducing programs
- Professionalization of the purchase team, ensuring sustainable optimization
- Working capital optimization, improved liquidity
Our projects never terminate after the development of an idea or a potential. We identify and address the savings potentials in Purchasing and the complete supply chain. And we do not stop there: We ensure the realization and thus the full ebit efficiency in the portfolio. In addition, we make visible the potentials within the complete portfolio, that is across different portfolio companies in the area of raw materials or even in the indirect area. Thus, we implement a virtual material group management within the participation structure and realize potentials that go beyond the individual participation.
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and our methods to you in a personal conversation.