by THESENPurchasing is a “people business”. THESEN will assist and support managers. Training and development for a successful management.
by THESENPurchasing is a “people business”. THESEN will assist and support managers. Training and development for a successful management.
For staff and executives in Purchasing
Purchase structure and purchase processes will develop their effect thanks to their active players. Crucial success factors are the purchasers’ or the managers’ skills and intention and the right mixture of individual skills within the team. Depending on the specific client situation, the training program will systematically strengthen the necessary development and transfer of skills.
Einkauf ist ein “People Business” – in der Linie und im Management. Daher kommt es für den Erfolg entscheidend darauf an, dass die Einkäufer und Manager ihre Kompetenzen auch tatsächlich in der Organisation und den Prozessen aktivieren können. Das Coaching der THESEN AG unterstützt sie hier in ihren konkreten Aufgabenstellungen vor Ort. Für ihren individuellen Erfolg. Und damit für den Erfolg im Team.
We will assist and support managers in their traditional management functions. For example, with workshops in organizational development or project management. Further, we will support top management dialogs, potential screenings for employees, staff selection and development programs as well as traditional personnel and team management tasks. For a successful management.
Die Einkäufer werden im Tagesgeschäft bei der Umsetzung von konkreten Einkaufsprojekten oder Transaktionen begleitet – ganz im Sinne eines “Training on the job”. Darüber hinaus finden sie in ihrer Karriereplanung oder im Krisen- bzw. Konfliktmanagement einen Dialogpartner. Für eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und eine erfolgreiche berufliche Zukunft.
Here again, we are looking forward to a common dialog to design and to implement, together with you, a tailor-made concept based on your challenges and our experienced background – for a strong purchasing.
The THESEN Training Module:
Our focus: Best Practice techniques & tools for Purchasing
Our goal: Development and transfer of skills within the purchasing team
Our training:
Training in strategic purchasing skills:
- Material group management, purchase portfolio & goals
- Procurement strategies
- Supplier management
- Global sourcing
- Controlling tools
Training in transaction-related purchasing skills:
- Design of tenders and requests
- Tender evaluation
- Negotiating for purchase professionals
- Negotiating for sales professionals
It is possible to design and realize the training both in strategic purchase skills and in transaction-related skills in a company-specific or cross-company manner. Further, it is possible to combine the individual topics if needed so that client-specific solutions may be designed in practice. The training measures will focus on sub-areas that are clearly defined with regard to the contents and will have the aim to develop and transfer skills within the purchasing team and within the management of the purchase function.
The THESEN Coaching Module
Our focus: Purchasers and purchase managers
Our goal: Personal success in a strong Purchasing
Our coaching:
Executives coaching
- Organizational development
- Change projects
- Top management dialog
- Staff screening
- Staff development
- Staff selection
- Staff management
Staff coaching
- Realization of projects and transactions
- Career development
- Crisis and conflict management
Both executive coaching and staff coaching are individual and will often be implemented in connection with consulting topics or training measures, either as strategic assistance within the meaning of an organizational development or in connection with training on staff level.
We will assist the employees and managers in precise projects, line tasks or even in management functions. Here, the focus will be on the independent implementation of complex tasks, accompanied by the critical reflection of pros and cons as well as the development of action alternatives. Essentially, it is an intense “training on the job”. The task-specific know-how will be further deepened, the practice transfer intensified and the conditions for the individual success of the active players improved. The implementation success of the complete purchase structure will be ensured in a team context, supported by the skills and the success of the individual persons.
Consulting – Training – Coaching: The integrated service approach
In practice, the Thesen Consulting will interpret the areas of the services described depending on the clients and will coordinate them.
Das bedeutet auch, dass die spezifischen Inhalte im Bereich “Training & Entwicklung” nach Bedarf gemischt, neu konzipiert oder auch in ihrer Methodik variiert werden können. Im Dialog mit den Mandanten entsteht so ein individuelles Leistungsangebot, das in der Praxis des Einkaufs trägt. Die hier dargestellten Basisthemen in Consulting, Training und Coaching bieten dafür eine strukturierte Ausgangsbasis und geben der Diskussion mit den Mandanten Richtung und Dynamik.
Process Optimization
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and our methods to you in a personal conversation.